Jockel x Interschutz 2022

Fire Protection Jockel at Interschutz 2022

Finally the time has come again, the Interschutz opens its doors. After the Interschutz was postponed due to Corona, we can now participate again in person.

We are happy to finally be able to exchange ideas with them in person again. Conversations develop an individual dynamic that is difficult to achieve through a digital solution. That's why we are even more looking forward to an event live and in colour. In addition to event highlights, conferences, awards, demonstrations and speakers, there will be a comprehensive programme on the topic of fire protection.

Current trends and highlights can once again be experienced up close at our stand - in compliance with the applicable infection control laws, of course.

We invite you to explore current topics around PFAS, sustainable fire protection and many more. We look forward to your visit at the Fairground Hannover from 20.06.22 - 25.06.22 at stand H13.F60.

Further information is available on the Website of the Interschutz 


Fire protection Jockel at the Interschutz 2022

Finally the time has come again, the Interschutz opens its doors. After the Interschutz was postponed due to Corona, we can now participate in person again.

We are happy to finally be able to exchange ideas with you in person again. Conversations develop an individual dynamic, which is difficult to achieve through a digital solution. That’s why we’re even more looking forward to an event live and in color. In addition to event highlights, conferences, awards, demonstrations and speakers, there will be a comprehensive program around the topic of fire protection.

Current trends and highlights can once again be experienced up close at our booth – in compliance with the applicable infection control laws, of course.

We invite you to explore current topics around PFAS, sustainable fire protection and many more. We are looking forward to your visit at the fairground Hannover from 20.06.22 – 25.06.22 at booth H13.F60.

For further information please visit the website of Interschutz 


Jockel X FeuerTrutz 2024

Feuerschutz Jockel ist voller Vorfreude, an der bevorstehenden Feuertrutz Messe in Nürnberg teilzunehmen! Dies ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit für Fachbesucher und Interessenten, sich über die neuesten Innovationen und Lösungen im Bereich des Brandschutzes zu informieren. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein,

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UPDATE: Ban on PFAS in fire extinguishing foams expected in 2024

Einleitung Die Europäische Union hat einen historischen Schritt in Richtung Umweltschutz und öffentliche Gesundheit unternommen, indem sie beschlossen hat, per- und polyfluorierte Chemikalien (PFAS) in Feuerlöschschäumen ab voraussichtlich 2024 zu verbieten. Dieses Verbot markiert einen entscheidenden Wendepunkt in der europäischen

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