Pressure boosting systems

Because water is life


Compliance with the Drinking Water Ordinance in fire protection

Fire extinguishing and extinguishing water systems are facilities of preventive fire protection and serve to fight fires for the rescue and protection of persons. They are usually required by the fire protection authorities with reference to the applicable building law. If such systems are directly connected to the drinking water installation, they are subject to special requirements in order to maintain drinking water quality. DIN 1988 Part 600 already regulates the design and connection of drinking water installations in connection with fire extinguishing and fire protection systems. The new Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV), which came into force on 01 November 2011, reinforces these requirements.

Drinking water quality

In everyday life, fire extinguishing and fire protection systems are very rarely or not at all operated during their service life - except for the annual maintenance work or possible test drills. If they are constantly filled with water and are not sufficiently flushed, the water stagnates. There is a danger that the water will become contaminated and thus hygienically questionable. If such systems are connected to the drinking water network, they pose a threat to the quality of the drinking water and thus to human health.

Drinking Water Ordinance and fire protection

On the fire protection side, the Drinking Water Ordinance affects the operators of properties with wall hydrants. Operators must ensure that water that is not of drinking water quality is not allowed to flow back into the drinking water network. This applies to rainwater, as well as to water from heating systems, but also from fire extinguishing pipes. By installing a so-called "safety device", the operator must ensure that drinking water is separated from non-potable water. Together with its partners, Jockel offers competent and economical solutions for such requirements.